Synido TempoPAD Begin guide


    #2. Mapping the Synido TempoPAD to Ableton Live, FL Studio, and Cubase




    #4. Synido TempoPAD software downloads


    The software on this page is the computer control panel of the hardware product, which can be customized to edit and save a variety of effect parameters. You can use this device normally without downloading the software.


    Mac Software Download

    Panel Version: Control Panel (Mac OS).pkg

    System: Mac

    Support Version: 10.14+

    Date: 23-06-24

    Version: 1.1.2

    Size: 1.6 MB

    Windows Software Download

    Panel Version: Control Panel (Windows).exe

    System: Windows

    Support Version: 7/8/10+

    Date: 23-06-16


    Size: 27.4MB




    If you still have new questions about this product, please reply to me with your thoughts and we'll be pleased to answer you.

  • I have installed the control panel software for Windows and set up my TempoPAD user-defined PAD banks for CC# operation using "Toggle"

    Each time the PAD is pressed, the TempoPAD. Sends midi codes (cc#:12 value:127) immediately followed by (cc#:12 value:0). This should not be happening when "Toggle" is set. Only one of the two midi commands should be sent.

    The operation of the transport "play/pause" programming works correctly with "Toggle" set. PAD buttons toggle should work the same.

    I'm looking to find out how this can be corrected. Thank you.

  • @Doug Du Plessis

    Hello, sorry for the late reply, our support team is aware of your issue, and here are the steps to resolve it:

    Step 1:

    Turning off the "NOTE REPEAT" note repeat function button on the pad

    Step 2:

    Set the CC event "Toggle" mode in the control panel software, and then click "Send to Hardware"


    If you haven't solved this problem yet, please feel free to send your question here.

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